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The Death Trail -Mount Huashan, China

Mount Huashan is one of the most dangerous mountains in the world. It is also known as “the mountain of death” or “the cliff of spirits”. Over 1,000 climbers have lost their lives attempting to summit this peak over the last century. But for many, it is a source of inspiration and strength. Huashan has inspired great poets, artists, and scholars throughout history who have been moved by its beauty and danger. Huashan has five peaks with different degrees of difficulty: West (easy), North (moderate), East (moderate), South (difficult) and North East (very difficult). There are no fixed routes up these peaks and climbers must discover them for themselves to reach the summit. The paths are often very narrow with sheer drops on either side. In some places, there are false trails that lead directly into deadly cliffs or off ravines. This makes navigation extremely challenging and climbing even more risky than normal. The views from the top are breathtaking but getting there is another matter entirely...

The Danger is Constant

Death is a constant companion on Huashan as the trails are very steep and dangerous. There are no ropes or harnesses of any kind and in many places, you can easily fall hundreds of feet with nothing to stop you. In fact, in many places you must climb with one hand, using the wall or edge of the trail itself, just to keep yourself safe. This is particularly true on the South Peak, which is the most difficult. Climbers often try to descend this trail because it is the most challenging. However, they are in danger of falling off the trail even when they aren’t climbing because the path is so narrow. Many have slipped and fallen to their deaths near the top.

Steep drops are the norm

Death is the rule rather than the exception on this mountain and the main reason for this is the steepness of the trails. The paths are incredibly steep and in some parts of the mountain, there are no guard rails or handrails. There are also no ropes or harnesses for climbers to use. This is partly because the locals believe these would spoil the natural beauty of the mountain and partly because the sheer number of climbers who would be needed to maintain these would be unsustainable. A pure climber would not be able to survive on this mountain. You need a mountaineer who knows how to use the terrain to his or her advantage to survive.

No Handrails or Guard Rails

The trails on this mountain are not built for safety, they are built for aesthetics. As a result, they are extremely dangerous to climb. Many of the trails are completely unguarded and there are no handrails to break a fall. In many places, there is just a sheer drop right to the bottom. There are also no guard rails to keep you away from the edge and prevent you from falling off. This means that you must climb with one hand to be able to hold the trail itself. The trails are so narrow that you must do this to keep yourself safe. If you use both hands to climb, you will fall off the path and down the mountain. If you have both hands on the path and lose your footing, there is nothing to stop you from falling off the edge.

The Paths Are Incredibly Narrow

There are many places on this mountain where the path is so narrow that you can barely fit two people walking side by side. In some places, you can only fit one person at a time and must carefully edge your way along the trail. In many places, there are false trails that lead off the main path and directly into the abyss on either side. However, the path you are looking for is often extremely narrow and hard to spot. As a result, many climbers have left the main path for one of the false trails and fallen to their deaths.


Mount Huashan is one of the most dangerous mountains in the world. It is also known as “the mountain of death” or “the cliff of spirits”. Over 1,000 climbers have lost their lives attempting to summit this peak over the last century. But for many, it is a source of inspiration and strength. Huashan has inspired great poets, artists, and scholars throughout history who have been moved by its beauty and danger. It is a beautiful mountain, but it is also very dangerous. It takes skill, training, and experience to climb it. If you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s tempting to follow the path of least resistance and take the false trail. However, if you are not careful you will fall to your death.